AIRLAB - Sampling and analisys for the monitoring and prevention of airbone pollutants and occupational health monitoring including noise pollution
P2O - Collection and treatment of EOL (end of life) plastic products to convert into fuel oil and other derivative commodities
MARPOL - Collection and treatment of maritime polluting wastes and dischageables (incl. tank bottoms, paints, exausted oils)
HAZMAT - Collection, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes (inc. medical waste)
SOILCARE - Decontamination of soil, decommission and reclamation of landfills and dumpsites
LifeGas - Cultivation of LFG (Landfill GAS) for the production of electricity and bottling for household use
1CIRCLE - Collection, sorting, treatment and re-engineering of solid municipal wastes to commercialize derivative commodities
BIOC - Collection and treatment of organic wastes for the production and commercialization of carbonified products
AQVALAB - Collection and analysis of water and effluents' samples for the determination of best interventive methods
MIRAGE - Borehole drilling, completion, testing, maintenance and monitoring for the production of subsurface safe water
PURA - Purpuse built water tretment plants designed to deliver safe potable water in rural or remote areas
CYCLEW - Design and construction of CW (constructed wetlands) for the sustainable treatment of waste waters
AQUAFLOW - Design and construction of infrastructures for the containement and management of surface waters
PIPES - Design and construction of urban water distribution and sewage collection systems and equipment
SANA - Commercialization and installation of latrines for remote rural areas and urban slums
FERTITI - Collection and treatment of human wastes for the production and commercialization of organic fertilizers and derivatives
TLC - Train, Lead & Consult on matters of Water Security and water/food borne disease prevention and control
There is no safe exposure limit to asbestos.
Exposure to asbestos occurs through inhalation of fibres in air in housing and buildings containing friable (crumbly) asbestos materials.
The threats of oil sludge transportation
Oil sludge per se is a rather innocuous material if handled with proper knowhow and best practices.
Capacity development
Developing countries don't need money nor model themselves after developed ones.
Dumpsites are a fire hazard
The only effective way to minimize the risk of fire in a MSW dumpsite id to manage the LFG
The only effective way to minimize the risk of fire is to manage the LFG.
By producing methane during the decomposing or organic material, a dumpsite is exposed to
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Unchecked, the Oil & Gas industry can make serious environmental disasters.
Remedial work is enourmously costly and highly specialized, prevention is the only viable solution.